As you can see, I finally bit the bullet and moved my blog to my own domain. I plan to do the same with the website (it’s still being hosted at Galileo University). The website needs a lot of work. It’ still so…​ twentieth century!

The blog is now running on WordPress and I have to admit it was trivial to install. The admin interface is also pretty decent.

My one complaint is that the WYSIWYG editor that they ship seems to mangle my HTML pretty bad, to the point that I have to use Emacs to fix it, so I won’t use it.

One big improvement is that the code snippets now have syntax highlighting. Awww, look at those beautiful colors. I’ll be posting more code snippets now that looking at them doesn’t hurt my eyes.

Well, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to subscribe to the new RSS Feed and to cancel the old one. I won’t be posting to blogger anymore.