Quick, how big is your .emacs file? How long does it take emacs to load? A few days ago I found that my .emacs file had slowly grown to the point where it was taking emacs a significant amount of time to load. Something needed to be done.

A quick glance at the file told me I was loading a lot of modules that I seldom use. For instance, I occasionally write some code in Common Lisp or Haskell, so naturally I was loading slime and the haskell environment. I commented those out.

However, after commenting them out, I quickly realized that not loading them was problematic. When I wanted to use them, I had to open my .emacs file, uncomment the relevant portion, and M‑x eval-region the code.

Then it occurred to me that I had a clear entry point for some of these modules. When I write Common Lisp, I usually start by loading SLIME’s REPL by running M‑x slime. I came up with the following code:

(defun slime ()
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/emacs/slime")
  (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl")
  (require 'slime)

Which basically sets up my slime environment and then loads slime. Note that the slime function itself is redefined as part of the evaluation of (require 'slime), so although this looks like a recursive call, it’s not.

I’ve used this trick in several other cases and I think it’s kind of neat. It helps me keep Emacs loading fast, but I still have all the bells and whistles available.