-- create default web users. -- The production user is called "web" and the development -- user is called "webdev" don't forget to change the passwords -- first we create the tablespaces for holding the -- web server's data and web servers tmp space create tablespace web_server datafile '/db/oradata/web/web_server.dbf' size 50M autoextend on default storage ( initial 256k next 256k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 50) offline; create tablespace web_server_tmp datafile '/db/oradata/web/web_server_tmp.dbf' size 50M autoextend on default storage ( initial 256k next 256k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 50) offline; -- we need to specify them as online and set the -- web_server_tmp tablespace as temporary alter tablespace web_server_tmp temporary; alter tablespace web_server online; alter tablespace web_server_tmp online; -- now we create the admin user create user web identified by password_for_web_user default tablespace web_server temporary tablespace web_server_tmp; -- we need to give the user database admin privis grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to web; -- and we need to create a rollback segment for the -- web server tablespace create public rollback segment web_server_rs tablespace web_server; -- bring the rollback segment online alter rollback segment web_server_rs online; -- create default web user for development -- first we create the tablespaces for holding the -- web server's data and web servers tmp space create tablespace web_server_dev datafile '/db/oradata/web/web_server_dev.dbf' size 50M autoextend on default storage ( initial 256k next 256k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 50) offline; create tablespace web_server_dev_tmp datafile '/db/oradata/web/web_server_dev_tmp.dbf' size 50M autoextend on default storage ( initial 256k next 256k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 50) offline; -- we need to specify them as online and set the -- web_server_dev_tmp tablespace as temporary alter tablespace web_server_dev_tmp temporary; alter tablespace web_server_dev online; alter tablespace web_server_dev_tmp online; -- now we create the admin user create user webdev identified by password_for_webdev_user default tablespace web_server_dev temporary tablespace web_server_dev_tmp; -- we need to give the user database admin privis grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace to webdev; -- and we need to create a rollback segment for the -- web server tablespace create public rollback segment web_server_dev_rs tablespace web_server_dev; -- bring the rollback segment online alter rollback segment web_server_dev_rs online;